system 54

system 54


Combine (7) with the rubbing of Exercise No. 14 (Flanks and ail sides of alternately lifted legs).

Instead of (4), perform thc simplest rubbing of Exercise No. i 5 (Upwards on alternately forward raised, bent legs).

Instead of (15). perform Exercise No. 16 with rubbing (Lengthways on flanlcs, hips and outer side of thighs).

Thcsc Rubbing Exercises to be slndied aml practised at firstsonie light clothing.

Add the following new exereise :

21) Separate neck- and foot-rubbings of Excrcise No.9. Perform first the rubbings with the feet, theu those with the hands.

Sixth Week

Herea/ter the Exercises should be performed in theu right numerical order.

Try the following alterations :

Instead of (17), perform the second degree of Exercise No. 1 (Trunk Circling, hands " neck rest ").

Instead of (13). perform the second degree of No. 2 (Quick Leg-Swinging, without support).

Instead of (8). perform thc third degree of E.\ercise No. 3 (Trunk-Raising 011 tioor or chair, hands " neck-rest ").

Instead of (3) and (5). perform the third degree of Exereiso No. 4 (Trunk-Twisting and Sidcways Rending)

Instead of (2). perform the third degree of Exercise No. 5 (Quick Arm-Circling with long lungc).

Instead of (11), perform the third degree of E.\ercise No. 6 (Circling of both legs simultaneously, lying).

Instead of (12). perform the third degree of Exercise No. 7 (Trunk-Twisting in tho positions of leaning over alternate hips). Instead of (6), perform the third degree of Exercise No. 8 (Body-Lowering, resting on pahns and toes).

Combine the neck- and foot-rubbings of Exercise No. 9 (21).

Instead of the slapping (9), perform the rubbing of Exercise No. 10 (arms, shoulders, and round armpits) ; but keep up the Squatting (10) as a special exercise until it can be combined with the rubbing.

Combine (18) with the simplest rubbing of No. 12 (up the thighs and hips alternately, and across abdomen).

Combine (16) with the rubbing of Exercise No. 17 (across breast, slowly at first).

Combine (19) with the rubbing of F.xerrise No. 18 (up abdomen, dowm the loins).

If not too cold, the rubbings learned in the foregoing week are now performed stripped. and after anotlicr week of practice. all the Rubbing Exercises are performed without any clothing.

It depends, of course, entirely on the ability and strength of the student when the still stronger degrees of the first eight exercises and the morę elaborate additions to seweral of the rubbing exercises can be mastered.

Very weak or elderly persons should spread this programme over twe!ve weeks or morę, and should in many cases never advance to the most aiflicult or strenuous forms of the excrcises.


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