system 58

system 58


To stand up and without any physical cxertion take long brcaths— as is often recommcnded, especially in German books—is unnatural and absurd, in fact may positively cause derangement in the relative pressure ot the vessels ot the body, and produce giddiness. \Vhen you intend to breathe dceply, a need for morę air should be felt, for which reason these same cxercises are suitable only during or after a corrcsponding exertion oi the body. while they, at the same time, have the important task of re-establishing tlie regular beating of the heart.

In the former editions of " My System,” a particular " Respiratory pause " was described, to be strictly obscrecd after every exercise. But now that all cxercises are at the same time breathing exerci-ses, it is no longer so necessary always to observe such regular pauses.

Only begimters and weak persons. for whom even the easiest degrees can be difficult, necd make regular use of the respiratory pause. Whereas, adsanced persons will often feel no need for it after the " slow " exercises. Morę deep-brcathings may then he taken after the "quick" exercises (Nos. 2, 5, 16, 17 and 18), and after the sotnewhat hard NTo. 8, iinmediately preceding the bath.

During the respiratory pauses the performer should stand quite still in a comfortable position with hands on iiips, and endeavour to inspire and expire the largest possible quantity of air

I do not. therefore, now recommend carrying out of “ accompany-ing” movements such as arm-raising, heels-raising and knee-bendings, because it is my experience that such movements are apt to distract the attention from the main object, namely, the movements of the chest itself.

In the Swedish Drill, it is true, the only " breathing exercise " s compo5ed of just raising the arms for inhaling and lowering them for exhaling, and no instructions at all are given as to how the air is to come in and out of the lungs. But that it is a sad delusion to belieee, that we expire the air simply by lowering the arros, anyone can convince himself by the following expenment: Stand with arms hanging loosely by the sides, and take a fuli breath ; then lift the arms slowly sideways, at the same time performing deep exhalation. If the person exercising has evcn a little bit of control over the breathing muscles, he will 6nd that the exhalation can be equallv thorough, whether the arms move up or down or hang relaxed by the sides.

As l have written a complete book on how one should breathe under all conditions I" My Breathing System "),1 it is hardly necessary to give long explanations here. I will, therefore, confine myself to giving a few practical hints.


PuMUhed by Atbietic Publit^tloirS, I-td. 3«. fid. net.


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