There are two ways of writiug and ar-l-auging a succt.-s.sfnl hook. One is to siiuply make it atrractire and interesting, and tlirow it mi Hic market like any otlier well-gihled bait, relying <>n its fine title aml handsOnio cover to altract tlie puldic.
The otlier way is to Itace a man wito is the hest—or almost the hest—iu (lial jmr-ticular linę in the world write and ar-rango il liimself, regardless of the rost of prnductiou, and produee a werk that will he a credit to the house whicli puhlishes it. and the author. and whicli will he reeog-nized as a standard.
This is the way facored by Mr. Kichard K. Fox, and that is out- of the reasons why