This is not a modioal work, and it is not inteuded as a cure-all. It is sirnply a work of modern physical cni turo, and T proposc to show that proper exercise will go far to-ward restoring good hpaltli to thp arerage man who is npithcr robust nor in good phys-ical condition. T cl a i tu that thcrp aro many casps whcr-p dmgs aro entirely nnnecossary, and I have had thp satisfaction of proring that T was right on moro tlmn one occasion. The dweller in largp cities, who lircs and works amid nnsanitary conditions. needs sometliing morę than medicines, which. taken with thp regnlarity which he will find nocpssary. will do nothing morę in the lonc
run than clog his system and prodncp con-