£1 Computer Management

File Action View Window Help

G3 00

Computer Management (Local)

Ś *3! Computer a.

- $i$ System Tools

13 Diskdrives

13 ijjU Event Viewer

+ fjj Display adapters

+ ąj Shared Folders

13 ^ DVD/CD-ROM drives

+ ^ Local Users and Groups

E Hurnan Interface Devices

+ Performance Logs and Alerts

Microsoft USB Wheel Mouse Optical

^ Device Manager

f>tei USB Humań Interface Device


•■*aj Storage

13 Q IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers

+ £3} Removable Storage

+ IEEE 1394 Bus host controllers

w Disk Defragrnenter

+ ^ Infrared devices

^ Disk Management

+ .> Keyboards

+ Services and Applications

+ j Mice and other pointing devices

Ś; Moderns

[|; -J Monitors

+ ££) Network adapters

E ^ Other devices


M! | >

• Base System Device ^


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