Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 034

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 034


33 RftcaJI Complete tho words and write

them irr    ffHBIR

Then check the Word bank on page 131.

1 actgr 2 art_ 3 direct_ 4 electric_

5 farm 6 fire fight 7 journal 8 musie

9 shop assist_ 10 reception_ 11 mod_

12 build_ 13detect_ 14manaq_







b Answer the questions. Sometimes there is morÄ™ than one answer.

W ho ...

1    fighfs fires?    6 flies planes?

a fire fighter    7 looks after teeth?

2    works with make-up? 8 cooks food?

3    cuts hair?    9 serves food?

4    teaches skiing? 10 looks after animals?

5    works with cars?


Nick Park

Nick Park 1madę (make) his first film when he was thirłeen.

He started making the first Wallace and GromiÅ‚ film while he ? (study) at Film School.

He 3 (complete) it seven years later, while

he 4_(work) for Aardman Animations.

Once, while he s_ (visit) New York, he6 (leave) the Wallace end Gromił models in a

taxi. Fortunately, the taxi driver7_(notice) the

story as he 1_(read) his newspaper. When he

9_(check) his taxi, he 10_(find) the models.

Past simple and past continuous

Time markers when, while/as

Name the tenses 1-8.

When the fire broke out. theywere travelling,

The last man was running out when the building 4came down.

As/While we ‘were speaking. a fire ‘was burning!

The building started to collapse while/as the fire fighters ewere trying to save the models.

Complete the rules.

We often use ...

•    the tense to describe completed actions.

•    the_tense to describe actions that

continued for some time in the past.

the word_to introduce clauses in the

past simple. the words


to introduce clauses

in the past continuous.

5 Choose the correct options. Then complete

the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1    The house was burning when/while the fire fighters Ä…rriyÄ™d (arrive).

2    The waiter_(carry) drinks as/when he fell.

3    The cyclists (net wear) their helmets as/when the accident happened.

4    While/When we were waiting, the shop assistant _(talk) on the phone.

5    I_(lose) my house keys as/when I was

running for the bus.

6    We_(queue) for t ckets when/while the film



6 Talk about your family using the prompts

and when or while.

What were they doing when/while you ...

•    got home yesterday?

•    went to bed last night?

•    were having breakfast?

•    left home this morning?

A: What was your brother doing when you got home yesterday?

B: He was eating a sanówich.

Extra practice

For morÄ™ practice, go to page 120. U u v ^


4 Ss can choose the correct tense in pairs. Remind Ss to use contracted forms where possible. Ask individual Ss to read the text aloud for Ss to correct their answers.

5 Exp!ain that Ss must choose the correct verb form and conjunction. Ss can complete the exercise in pairs.


6 Brainstorm words for family members and write them on the board. Ask Ss to form an example question with mother and answer it. Explam that Ss should work in pairs to ask and answer as many questions as possible about family members, and be careful with he/she/they.

Extra practice

See page 120 in the SB.

Answer key

2 was studying 3 completed 4 was working 5 was visiting 6 left 7 noticed 8 was reading 9checked 10found

Answer key

2    was carrying, when

3    weren't wearing, when

4    While, was talking 5 lost, as 6 were queuing; when

e.g. Student A: IVs creative but not very well-paid. Student B: Is it a hairdresser? A: No, you work with wood. B: Is it a carpenter? A: Yes.

They take turns to describe and guess.


The Ss identify the numbered tenses. Ask Ss to recall the present tense ot the verb in each case. Get Ss to locate irregular (came) and regular (started, happened) past simple verb forms. Ask Ss if they remember how past tense affirmative regular verbs are formed (with - ed) and where they can find irregular verbs (on pages 142-143 in the SB). Elicit

further examoies of both regular/irregular verbs.

Remind Ss how we form past continuous with was/were + >ng

Answer key

1 past simple 2 past continuous 3 past continuous 4 past simple 5 past continuous 6 past cont nuous 7 past simple 8 past continuous

Complete the rules

Complete the rules as a class. Ss may need to be told that a clause is a subject + verb.



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