HOIST. With forearm vertical, fore-finger pointing up, move hand In smali horizontal dr da.
LOWER. With arm exlended down-ward. forefinger pointing down, mova hand In smali horizontal circle.
USE MAIN HOIST. Tap fist on head; then usa regular signals.
SWING. Arm axtandad, point with fłngar In diraction of swing ot boom.
STOP. Arm aztandad, palm down, mova arm bacfc and forth horizontally.
EMERGENCY STOP. Both arms aztandad, palma down, mova arms back and forth horizontally.
USE WHIPUNE (Auziliary HoiSt). Tap albow with ona hand; than usa ragular signals.
RAISE BOOM. Arm aztandad, fingers dosad, thumb pointing upward.
LOWER BOOM. Arm aztandad, fingars doaad, thumb pdnting downward.
TRAVEL Arm aztandad forward, hand opan and slłghtty raisad, make pushing motion In diraction of travel.
DOG EYERYTHING. Clasp hands In front of body.
TRAVEL (Both Tracks). Usa both fists In front of body, making a drcular motion about aach other, indicating diraction of traval, forward or backward.
(For land cranas onły.)
MOVE SLOWLY. Usa ona hand to glve any motion aignal and place other hand motionle88 In front of hand gMng the motion signal (Hoist slowly shown aa azampla.)
RAISE THE BOOM ANO LOWER THE LOAD With arm aztandad, thumb pointing up, flaz fingers In and out as long as load movement is daslrad.
LOWER THE BOOM AND RAISE THE LOAD With arm aztandad, thumb pointing down, flaz fingers In and out as long as load movement is daslrad.
TRAVEL. (One Track) Lock the track on slde Indlcated by raised flst. Travel opposite track In direction indlcated by circular motion of other fist, rotated vertlcally In front of body. (For land cranes only.)