• Congcnital hypcrtrophy of thc rctinal pigment epithelium is highly spccific for FAPand is best scen by slit-lamp cxamination. These pigmented ocular fundus lesions and often arc bilatcral and multiple. These lesions often precede polyposis and correlate with mutations bctwccn cxons 9 and 15 of thc APC gcnc.
* Ostcomas of thc skuli and mandiblc may be present and indicatc a Gardner rariant of FAP.
Dcntal abnormalitics, often diagnoscd by using x-rav studics, may inelude supernumerary tccth, unerupted tccth, dentigerous cysts,' and odontomas (Gardner variant of FAP).
In prepubesccnt patients, epidermoid cysts on thc legs, face, scalp, and arms may be present (Gardner variant of FAP).
Hibromas may be present, locatcd on thc scalp, shouldcrs, arms, and back (Gardner rariant of FAP).