IMG22 (5)
this spacc, objects Identification, and user’s communication interfaccs); GDL processcs (publishB metadata crcation, scarching and retrieving, ensuring integrity and authenticity of digital objccisj the availability of information and authorizing access, interoperability, long-term arcliiving,qualiiy control, and new dcvelopmen!s in the acccss organization to digital content ■ Semantic Web, social networks and the vision of its integration in the form of so-called Web 3,0); GDL communities (various categories of indi vidual and institutional users as well as economic and legał aspecls ofcre-a global digital libraiy). In the last part was presented a model ofscholarlycommu-1 structures in contcmporaiy Internet, Mor presented Jo models ofthe futurę evolulion of GDLl and its implications for contemporary structures ofscholarly communication organization.
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