

K TEST - Microsoft Virtual PC 2007

Action Edit CD Floppy Help

APM 1.2

SUN 1319

Kolibri OS uersion

IBM SUGA BIOS, (C) 1993 International Business Machines Uersion of UESA: 2.0

Press labcd] to change settings, press [Enter] to continue booting or uait 2 seconds before automatical continuation

Current settings:

[a] U i deomode: 1024x768x32

Ib] Add disks uisible by BIOS: on

[cl Use URR: off

Id] Floppy image: use already loaded image

Default ualues were selected to match most of configurations, but not all If you haue CRT-monitor, enable URR in the itern [cl.

If the system does not boot, try to disable the item Ibl.

KolibriOS is based on MenuetOS and comes uith ABS0LUTELY NO UARRANTY See file C0PYING for details


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