ilf ihio.ł.U |o iłic opfHMite hok» from A and U. IX* Ihc Iwig* m •imtilch. Do hr outlsnc of the flowcr* »o MnrnMdk CoUmr wilh Md pencifc; w p U. Tcalilc: *ce p. II.
Ł Łupin.
Do thr *tem in ttcniMikh. Fof Ihc Icjht puli lhrv.uK from A and B to rhc hole* all amund. For ihc flowcr>: tivc diHentil thadc* of biur and puB thc thrrad* a» łndi-calcd in lite illiulration Draw ovcr Ihr dvs:>*,n im Ihc card to maić it A litt.c boldr-r Oulltnc lin-card with »trip> o# malrrial or gili pa per aiuł dccor/te wilh nbbcui.
3. Cift lag; Mur llowrr.
K»r Ihe cvnlrv. Mart at 1 aml puli thr lhivad lo 2. Make a fctiłch lo 3 at Ihe Isk V an«l puli Iłu* lim* ul lo 4; nmlinuc w nr king lik.- Iluś iinlil >00 contr up al I apańi. Do thr prta!» tn Meimttfc li < 'okuir willi jm-I.-I pencil*
w* |». II.