tliercfore, to be performed with the l)ody in difterent positions.
At What Time of Day should we Perform this Little System ?
In the morning beforc breakfast, immediately before the daily dip or shower, or as soon as one is partly drcssed after the bath. Or in the evening just before going to bed. Or when dressing before dinner. Or at any other convenient timc of tlie day, but not until at least one hour has elapsed sińce the finish of the preceding meal, and nevcr when one is very hungry.
Hints to Beginners.
The unpractised beginner will always, during the first few days, feel somewhat sore round the waist and between the ribs, sometimes also in the shoulders and between them, and in the thighs and calves. No soreness felt, it is only a proof that lie lias not performed the exercises correctly. If weak people experience a sensation of giddiness, or palpitation of the heart, during the first performances, it is a certain proof that they are greatly in need of such exereises. If the practice be continued daily thcse symptoms will disappear after one or two w'ccks. The reason of the giddiness, accom-panied by palpitation, is the following : the ycnous blood is sucked strongly from the head into the heart by the deep inhalations, and the heart is not yet sufficiently trained in the work ol simultaneously supplying enough arterial blood in return.
The following nine exercises consist of fuli respirations performed in various positions of the bod)', and combincd with movements of the trunk in everv possible direction, and with several movemcnts of the limbs as well. The arrangement of the exercises is easy to remember. bccause