Za chwilę usłyszysz krótką audycję radiową. Zapoznaj się zc zdaniami 1-10, a następnie, po dwukrotnym wysłuchaniu tekstu, zaznacz właściwe opcje ich zakończeń. W każdym przypadku tylko jedna jest całkowicie poprawna. Słuchając audycji możesz robić notatki w książeczce testowej. Zaznacz na karcie odpowiedzi nr 1 odpowiednią literę ohok właściwego numeru zdania.
Listęn to the short radio broadcast and, on the basis of whatyou hear, choose the right option in each ffroup of three provided. Mark your answers on answer sheet 1.
1. The author of the first book is
A. a woman with a man’s first name.
B. a man with a woman’s first name.
C. a man with a man’s first name.
2. The theme of the first book presented is
A. very common and often dealt with.
B. unusual and rarely discusscd.
C. frcquently talked about by young people.
3. The author of We Need To Talk About Kevin
A. had difficulties with having it published.
B. had no problems with having it published.
C. ehose not to have it published immcdiately.
4. Taking the form of letters and recollections, the book
A. obviously has a slowly dcveloping plot.
B. is nevertheless fast-moving and exciting.
C. inevitably focuscs morę on details than plot.
5. The titlc charactcr of We Need to Talk About Kevin
A. is responsible for a school massacre in Columbinc.
B. has been imprisoned for committing a crime.
C. is writing a story about his mother Eva.
6. In the early 1970’s, Scott Turów
A. became a successful lawyer.
B. published his first bestscllers
C. was not a successful writer.
7. The book which started his lucrative writing carccr was
A. autobiographical.
B. a courtroom drama.
C. a story about teenagers.
8. Scott Turów has got
A. one job and a hobby.
B. one job which is also a hobby.
C. two different jobs.