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Figurę 41. Silver-inlaid inscription from a sword, c. 1050-1100, from a Viking’s grave at Jamsa, Southern Finland. 1 shall illustrate a similar inscription, probably by thc same hand, on a sword from Lincoln (now in the British Museum, labeled " 14rh century") in the next chaptcr (Fig.48).
Urfrfem :
Figurc 42. A page from an llth century Anglo-Saxon MS (Aelfric's Paraphrase of thc Pentateuch, B.M. M.S. Cotton Claudius B.IV folio 24V). This clcarly shows a sword like Fig. 45 in use alongside the conventional lobed "Viking" style of hilt. Notę also the very devcloped, late medieval-looking cross on the sword immediately above the one wirh the disc pommel, and the Brazil nut pommel (as in Fig. 47) on the sword at top right.