oak sih1

oak sih1


" Whereyou can 'tfjct tbcm, my lord. Whcn I was in tbat ditcb at Fornbam, I took them off and pushed tbcm down into the mud. I knew you wonld want tbcm. Find tbcm ifyon can!"

A ditch today is gcnerally the same ditch that it was in the 12th century, particularly in that part of England. Someday, maybe, someone cleaning a ditch will find four or five fine rings. Who can tell?

Figurę 52. Ililr of the "Sword of Santa Casilda." The whole sword was illustrated in Chapter 2, Fig. 10. The hilt is of bronze gilded, the grip of red leather over a wooden core. The legend around the perimeter of the pommel reads "AVE MARIA GRATIA PLENA" (Hail Mary, fuli of Grace) and on the pommel in Spanish, "DIOS ES YENCENDOR EN TODO"(God is the con-queror of Death). Type XII, c. 1200. (Madrid, Insdtutc del Gondc dc Yalencia de Don Juan.)


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