lin trying co find a copy ofthe issue of CrassStkcher that featured the Ecyore cushionon thecowr. Doesanyonchavr a sporo copy they could lend to nie?
Sue MaeArthui; The Ghurch Housc. St.John Street, Bridlmgjun, List Yoekshire VO167p.c»D01262670I79
l'ni despoateły seckiiig tl ic Stirch A Star of I )avid Tcnnant fiom issuc 189.1 Does anyone hrre a copy they conkl sond me? Mx bule UurgisA, email bingp5jnidudle@gmaiL
Can anyonc lielp mc? I ani lookingfor a cotwenicn chart for Anchor tapestiy wxx>l to AiKhorstnnded cotton.
Lunęli Gknnuoith, email pamfotfnun. kruno.co.uk
Does anyone have a copy afMagarct Shenys bagpipc-playing^icep? Apparendy it was a chart u i a cakndar published m CmssSutdierbc&re 1 discowred k!
Lin Neifot, #203-2450Church Street Abbotsfćxxł, BC. Canada V2T3(7, email nei&tęi^łuwtci
Pm trying to find a cliart for Margarit SJierrys Cofłeeand Cucłdksdesign fiom ksuc 198 of CrossStitcher. I \vxxdd be gratc&l if somecne could help mc find it.
Luaise Willts. email Lwilbs^king^bródk. northarm.sch.uk eon tpłercd cross stitch project diat he had been wotkingon. 1 promisedmy muther-indawthat I woułd finish il but ithastocally defcitedme! WouldanyanebeprcparedtD finish it for me? I am willingto pay.
Janei Owen. emailjanmik^btopemwidd. com
I recendy imdatook a ptpject ftir a fiiei id who had started wotk on a Sunset kit called BuaaOyand Chiraós. designed by Lena Liu. Her old chart had been drawn oti and is now unusablc. l>oes anyone ebc haw it? Marga ret McKay, 8 Mimosa Oosc. Isibella Mains ACT 21!' *5 Australia, email Maigaret. mekay^tj iinetnetau
Im trying to track down the Maigaret Slierry chart ofa do; and a bcar pouring cfompogne tliat was issucd to edebnte dic 200di issue ofCamStitcher. Pleasc lielp!
Janctte Sherin, cnuil jj/kW^btgpofKlcont
lin trying to find the chart for Maigaret Sherr/s TweAr Dzys ofChristniasóeśga in CrossStitcher issue 176. IDocs anyone havc it?
Chri«iaiuJo«KS, en>ailjo»icsdirisuara{ćf gmatl.com
lin looking fora chart fora large cross stirch calfcd Fhndfykt xbur .which was split over thrce issues ofCrosSotcher (Dccetnber, Chrknias andjanuary) a few yrarc ago.
1 'hc original picturc was by an arńst called Elizabeth dc Lisic. I amdespcrate to start this diart but my copy hasheai damaged.
Helen Peanem. email I“Lpearson(SicaKnd-net\vxirks.ccuik
My ssxi KyJc was leatured in CrossSritd xt in Junc2008in a letter ódcd ‘AD aboard wich Thomas* but in a rctent cidy up I acddentaDy threw away my copy and Tm desperateły seeking a replacement, can anyone help?
Anninha Broderick, email ninabroderick(aj yuhcx>.cauk
lin desperatdy seeking for dic back issue of CrcesStitdicr that contains the design for the fotdiwoik Spring design by Blat de Chine.
ShceiKt Norman, email she.niik^talkmlk.
I in trying to find die chan for the picture* of a tuiicom diat was fćatured in issue 195.
loretta Scaffidi, email scak2l K K§lhottnail. com
In the February 2(XI2 issuc ofCrossSdtchcr dtere was a chart called (Drienia/beauty. Does anyone haw a copy of the chan diat they could sond to mc?
Pani Fuller, 85 Oklcys Mead, Ckxl*or x-? Sumy RH9 8A2, cali (M88 374 3887
1 >oesanyx»ie knosv wherc I can get lxJd of Jenny lkirtons Keq> Calm and Eat Cakc cro5sstkch design? Any help appreciated.
Gunnd Hcd>t, email Ixxht(«;bigp<niitcom
I make carels for dic local Oats I^rotection Leaguc and lin kx4oi >g for free dnrads, charts and card bbnla. lf\xxi hriw any spare, fil definiteły usc theni!
S1 X.nningtisi, 118LiiKlisfarneCk»c. E>iKslxiry, Qui fos 1 ^19 2UU, a irul s2iaraiidennington@gniailxoni
lin desper.xdy lookii^forthe Margaret Sherry mouse desigm featured in t«ue 215. Irit happy to bu>’ or bonowi
Ann Sr.irimg, (Il2f> 875 ?)64. email aiirt«iriuig@fctintenietxxxii
If you're not onkne. drop us a notę with your ad detafc and contact information to CrossStitcher Ads. 30 Monmcuth Street Bath BA128W We regret that were unable to print requests from readers who are under 16 years old
wonder ifanyonecan help me? My father-ii i -law died a lew )vars ago leavii ig a partly