

.pecifkally with ihe folłowing cullurcs: Unćtice (Bukowski 2002). Otoma-y&fljKtekosa 2003) and Tumultu (Hachmann 1957; Markovi 2003). thmtfieconfine* of ihe Unćtice culturc we may distinguish two slylistics of giiKbreszuk 2006). The first is connccted with the northem bor-nrc (for simplicity's sake later referred to as north-Unćtice). The ; -nic kot wał played by (solar?) dises, occurring only in rich graves (espe-i!f śdHfeO in die contcxt of products madę of gold and bronze (Fig. 6). The *df d^fWcncs belong to that group: Przysieka Polska (Schwanzcr 2004), am-ftaie, Skarblenicc and Łęki Małe (to all others. sec; Sarnowska 1969). jSbttWU at that limę one of the element s within the confines of a wider tlfillBomcnon. characterised by - among others - princely graves (Hclms-. ihmgcn, Lęki Małe), fortified scttlemcnt ccntrcs (such as Bruszczcwo, see; ntk, Muller 2004) or rich metallurgy of zinc bronze (Rassmann 2004).

•* otherryle. south-Unćtice like (Fig. 7:1,3), composed mainly from neck-snterbcads and bronze (coppcr) spirals (Breuer. Meller 2004; Czebreszuk Wethould emphasise herc that amber products have different status in both • In the norih. (bcy constitutc an element of the graves located the highest : pwM%ious, social and political hierarchy (barrows, where amber co-occur ■ 'Id. bronze. i.c. other “strategie” materials); whercas the southem slylistics 'ecled with graves which contain standard equipment and most often are •ofwomen i Bukowski 2002; Czebreszuk 2006). the Otomani-FUzesabony culturc, occupying the arca the upper Tisza Ba-wproducts slylistics continues south-Unćtice pattems. Amber objeets are i w |ttvcs which belong to vast hurial grounds. Neckiaccs are madę from tf n of elcments (Fig. 7: 4). Apart from amber and simplc spirals we find '^.WMkof wild animals and other metal pendants (Olcxa 2002).

Hf Tumulus culturc, which is known mainly from the areas situated in the ■'y <.f the Alp-, creatcs entirely ncw style of amber products. Besides beads •-nu of neckiaccs) we find herc so-callcd spaccr-plates (Hachmann 1937; Min 2003). Tlicy indicatc the prescncc of ncw pattems in the form of com--J imbtr neckiaccs, rcconstniction of which was introduced by R. Hach-"tiayyear*ago(Fig, 7; 2, Hachmann 1957).

’’ tbw riages of supru-rcgional spreading of amber, which are presented th»ve, dierc comes a characleristic breakthrough moment. It takes place 2000 BC, between Bell Bcakers and Unćtice stages. Earlier "tor Amphorac culturc and Bell Bcakers) amber was an element of far "i cxchange within Ihe conlincs of monocultural network, first Globular '■ s* culturc and Inter Bell Bcakers (Czebreszuk 2003). A complctely ncw '■ Hp)i«ri m Central F.uropc logether with emerging early Bronze Unćtice v ll was an element of a wider system of far-rcaching exchnngc embracing n I ut"ihi logether with the British Isles, Southem Europę, the Balkans as l*VKMSHn zonc (Harding 1984: 67-87). Through Unćtice culturc amber mam cultural centrca of the Old World. For cxumple, in Acgea not


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