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-?y11 : Vol. 1


Girt:llWfół) l l'd love to go mountain-climbing.


(Sound of yodeling)

lljtf Cl t #

Then I can hear the echo of my voice in the mountains!

(074^- ip

C de 7>źl : Vol. 1 )


ex. /WII    - smali river (stream)

ex. III F L i>) - downstream

Mother:) I [<D U (C tt -9 T UX 5 They're sleeping side-by-side.

In Japan, it is common for children and parencs to sleep together.When three family members (usually the mother one on side.father on the other and a smali child in the middle, are lying next to one another, the formation resembles the kanji character for river (Jl|) and is thus called a kawa-no-ji ("kanji for river").


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