łdl SkJo front pan## Mod#l aa for th# pr#vtov» bk>ck. (#) C«ntf# fror%l ps»-vel. Mot3#J th# pan#I in t*»# **■«#
but fo«ow th# n#w ta pad hn# from armhola to waitt. w®y ot th© p<ov*ou» błock, but tak© th© uopcr *«tion
Th# armhoW WCtion will b# qu1© ahallow acrota to th# armhol# foliowej th# nr* pan#' i«t.
(Tt Modo1 th# back aechont m th# «m# ord#/ »+ th# <qI Ramov# th# toil# f»om th# «tar>d. trua Itnoa and
pre/oua błock. Ufclng th# c«ntra back oan#: *ęro*» to comp!#t# as for pr#vicut błock*,
th# *hcotd#r Mark all a#amiir#» ar<1 notches
Taktrg th© oesgn seam or da't away from the snoulder area makes possiW© a far w»do* sccpe of interestmg necknnes Howover it »s Qutte comr>on oractic© to des>gr Iow. wide necklmes in ahouklcf panol lin© styes pan»cuiarly m party and ©venmg wear.
Crca:>r.g and taping a new cesign linę
Mcxteiiif>g to a prologncec curve
Transforr^ three-oimensiona! control to th© armhole area