Henrik Thrane
Fig. 5. Map of exiraordxnarily rich graves in <he Bronze Age Prunkgraber. Circles: Early Bronze Age (Kivik and Skallerup); half circles: La te Bronze Age (open per. IV: HAga. Lydshej. V. Skjermge; filled per. V: Lusehąj, Kaisersberge, Osterberg. Seddin. Kemnitz). cross: flat grave from Alfstedt. After H. Thrane 1984a
display exemplified in the great barrows have something to do with exchange as suggested long ago (E. Sprockhoff 1957), then we should expect another such centre of wealth in Pomerania (fig. 5)!
There are other lines of communication from the Elbę region northwards and it would be nice to know morę about them, how they fiinctioned and what part they played in the exchange of ideas of the most varied kind. I am quite surę that what we are now beginning to study is just the top of the iceberg. Painted wallplaster just happened to be preserved in these two cases, but it would be strange if other fashion* materiał and spiritual were not communicated as part fo the develop* ment of the Bronze Age in the zonę north of the Mittelgebirge.
We have a series of documented cases of connections from Pomerania to the Danish area from per. IV (H. Thrane 1977) to per. VI (J. Jensen 1970). For per. V one of the better cases is that of the hammered (diadems H. Thrane 1975, fig. 106; add a new find from Linde on North Funen) Pomerania does not hoever stand out as the main contact area and Northern types are not in any way dominant there except in per. IV (J. Kostrzewski 1958; H. Thrane 1977). Actually Pomerania can be seen to be marginal in relation to the stream of imports from the Swiss-Soutl German area (H. Thrane 1975, fig. 103). Thus the importance or relevance of Pomerania to the development of the Nordic culture will have to be estimated for each period and for each sphere: there is a lot to do.
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