Duchy Map
Tht north gatt oj the city is Nocked by the Charnel Hills. It is said tha: onct the popularion oj the entire cąy ukjj interred there, ssrtick down by diseose. Whateoer the trtuh, the deod do not rest easy.
TV Grta Ocean
Locations of Notę
1. Shanty Town
2. South Gate
i, The Grail Chapel ą. The Weil
j. Landuin’s Crossing
6. Fallen Heauen
7. Damoiselle Vert
8. The Old Cemetry
9. The Lance of Light
10. The Tempie of Manaan
11. The Ducal Pałace
12. North Gate
District Map
Chorred gouges coroed iwo the ruins oj north-eaa Lost Town ort so dtep that rumours oj massioe creatures riung4 Jrom the marsh's depths mąy be ' morę credMe than Jirst suspeaed.
Much oj thesoil in Southern Lost Town u so warerlogged that some heouier buildings haot sunk, neoer to be seen again.
A shonty town huddles tight to the anciem grandeur of tht South Gate. 11 is mossly comprised oj tentt, cruddy-built sheeks, and eonical huts ccnttnurrd Jrom tighsly-tied retds gathertdjrom tA< marshts.