Każde /.e zdań z lewej kolumny jest początkiem rozmowy. Dopasuj jo do odpowiednich zdań z prawej
1 Hus laclet is rcally old
2 IVe gol a terrible headache. i Cm tited all the limę
*1 Cali the pollee! Someone's stolen my wallet!
5 I think it might rain
6 I never seem to have any money.
7 Whal limę do Iraius lor Boston lcave?
H I hate this terrible weather
ai l ve no idea llow about callirig the station lt> lind out?
b) I m not surprised! You spend too long on your Computer
ci ThaCs true You shouki get a new one
d) In that casc how about moving to a war mer country?
e) It is getling very cloudy You should tako an umbrella with you
f) Is it any woiuler? You spend it all on CDs!
gi Ol course you are. You work too hard!
h) Calm clown Maybe you leli it in the restaurant Why don t you cali them first?
akr i
Posłuchaj nagrania Sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.
20 minutes+
Co mówią osoby z lewej strony? Uzupełnij zdania.
dom ti V
You should go to bed.
I Iow alxiut walching sonie t<*levision?
I don't lt?el very
You should go to the doctor.
Why don t you make yoursell somethinR to eat?
This hat is really
Why don t you buy a new one?
Im getting too
Why don t you go on a diet?
206 English in 20 minutes a day