Stage 6
Tłir story so far. Yoshiko and Carlos meet wp with Peter outside the całe.
Peter tells them that hc put newspapers and magaz.ines in the parcel Carlos is worried when the men find the parcel, they will be angry and they could hurt Mrs King. The Ihree studenls decide lo go back to Mis Kings house When they get there Mrs King appears. She has been in London, trying lo get money to help her son. Harry She explains why Harry is in trouble She is sorry that she has caused so much trouble. lust then they hear someone knocking on the front door.
I Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące przeczytanych do tej pory fragmentów opowiadania.
1 What did Peter pul in the parcel?
2 A(ter the men piefc up the paicel. where do the studenls decide tt» go?
3 Who is in the house when they return?
•1 Where has Mrs King been?
•5 Why is she sorry?
Poniższe wyrazy i wyrażenia pochodzą z 11. części opowiadania. Zaznacz i/> słowa, które już znasz Spróbuj odgadnąć znaczenie pozostałych słów. słuchając opowiadania.
sort everything out maybe not dead
sofa gol away
clever all right
get hołd of living room
Do you know?
• Aby zaznaczyć, że czegoś nic jesteś pewien, ale uważasz to za prawdopodobne, możesz rozpocząć zdanie słowami perhaps albo maybe
Steve hasn t come to work today.
Perhaps he is III.
Maybe hc's taking a day s holiday.
Odnajdź te słowa w opowiadaniu.
English in 20 minutes a day 261