Engine: 343 c.c (79 x 70 nm.). single cylinder four-slroke: comprcssion ratio
9 -1; dic-cast light alby head, fully enclosed valve gcar wita prcssurc o.l feed to ornhead rocker medianism; high-duty valve spnng>, large intakc valve, special compctition cams, heavy dęty roilcr-bcaring big-er.d; bali rt.ee cn diivc side mainshaft; copper-lead bearings on tirring->idc main-sht.f:, dry su nip lubrication with double gcc-.r type oil tank. Capacity 4 pin:s.
Carburctor: I Arna Mcnoblcc wiih
twist grip threttle control and cncloscd air cleaner
Transmission: BSA four-speed gcarbox n unit construction with engine; posilne stop foot control: gear ratios 5.48—7.30— 9.63 and 14.60 - I; mub.i-plate dutch with 'csilścat facings and incorporating a syn-•.beticrubbcr cush drbe: l' duplc.x primary Chain; rcar Chain £' x .335" rollers; primary chain oil bath and guard over top run of rcar cha n.
Ignition and Lighting: High-capacity RM 19 generator with rcctificr fer D.C. battery ughtirg; Automatic advancc and retard unit mounted on crarkcasc; spccial switch position for emcrgcncy startirg; kcy-lock*
Brand new supcr-sports 350! — Light, easy handling, with rapid-fi:c acceleration. 90 m.p.h. plus — to kccp you ahcad on the r:>ad. Has lavest compctiticn-type cams, high-compression piston, large-borc carburctor fot m£.ximum performance. ChroTicd fenders, as illustratcd, arc standarc on this sports model.
ing ignit.cn sw.tch; folding kick-starter; stop and taił lamp inccrporating rear re-flcctor: elcctric hoin; 6' diameter head-lairp with ammeter; lighting switch, and built-in illumirated speedometer; 12amp./ hr. hattcry houscd in a special compartmcnt.
Fucl capacity: 3 gallons.
Tircs: Dunlop Universal 3.25—18 front. 3.50—13 rcar.
Brakes: Fuli width hubs; T diameter front brake, and 6" rsar, fcoth with fnger adjustment; straignt spokes.
Suspension: BSA hydraulicr.lly - ćaniped
te.cscopic front forks. Rubber :ork gaiters on front forks. Hydraulically - darrped swinging arm rcar susper.sicn.
Franie: Cradlc typc o: bra/cd constructio.n with dLplex tubes for engine moanting. Chrome platcd sports-type fenders. Spring-tp central stand, sidc star.d. BSa dual seat with chrome handrail and pillion footrests.
Hnish: Deep lustic Metallic BIuc tark with chrome panels, chrome fenders, black frame.
General d mtnsiois: Wheelbase i4". gromd clcarance 7": overa‘:llcngth 80": ćryweight 300 Ibs.