Js Adam Warlock was the genetic crcacion of a * maverick group ofscientists known as tho Enci.avk. He was the prototype for what they hoped would be an im inciblc army, with which they planned to concjuer the world.While forming in his cocoon,Warlock overheard his creators’ plans.
When he hatched, he rebellcd against theni, destroyed their basc, and used his cosmic power to take ofT into space.
At this point, drifting through spaee. Warlock met the I 1k.ii Lvi u.u i ionary, .1 human wlio had learned how to control ceolution, who was creating an artificial world called “Counter-Earth." He was hoping to create a planet free front evil,but the creature Man-Bf.asi hrought evil to this pure world.
The High Evoludonary gave Warlock the Soul Gem, which eould draw souls into another dimension. and Warloek hatded Man-Beast.
In the end. however. Warloek was unable to defeat evil on Counter-liarth. aml left to figlu the good figlu elsewhere in the uniwrsc.
Im his travels.Warlock encountered the Magia. the powcr-crazed leader of the Universal Church ofTrnth. an armed inilitia trying to spread their religious empire ihroughout the uniwrsc.This Church destroyed the populations of planets that reluscd to convert.To his horror.
Warloek diseovered that the Magns was aetnally an alternate futurę version of himself.
Warloek subseijucntly battled the TitanTnANOs. who inortally wonnded him. Warlocks soul retreated into the Soul Gem. where it lived peacefully for many years umil he emerged to batdc Thanos once morę. MT
Atfirst Adam WnrVx:k w?ts known sorpty as "Him.*
Warlocks intwiłmerisiooal lravote brought him into conflict wrth the mutant team known aa tho X-Men, ncJucłny tfwr field leader Cydops.
• The Infinity Abyss Mmiseries
Winie living in ono ol his sołf-goneratod cocooos. Wahock is rewed to bsttle s>x cioncs o‘ Tharos.
• Warlock Minisories Tl* L s i :vc
creat© arxnt»©r Wnrkx* lo ruto tho fcarth. txit l*e ttrns oulto tx> an iliusion in tho rmnd of Janio, płaccd thcrc by tho real Adam Warlock to teach her compass*xv
WlHjn he emergod trem bs dovotopmontal cocoon. Warlock refused to go along wtth ttie ptarvs his croators had kr lam. rebełmg against thom.
Avenger. Savkx of Worłds
HElOhfT 6 ft 2 in WEIGHT 240 IbS EYES White HAIR Blond
Fantastic Four #66 (September 1967)
Body can trap cosmłc cnorgy whch enhancas ins strength. endt*anc©. and iwałmy powers. ałso uses trw onorgy to reduce grawty enaWog him to Iły. pfOjOCtS erwrgy ttosts trom his hands.
l*ip the Troll, Adam liii rlorlt 'sfricnd, ItelpeJ hitu hanie ihe Tilan Thauos.