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X-Y Axes ] Traces | labels] Defaufts)
X-Axjs —......................—
P Log Scalę P Giid Lines P Numbeted P Autoscale P Show Markeis i P Auto Gnd Number of Grids: f?.
: P Log Scalę P Giid Lines | P Numbered j P Autoscale P ShowMarkers P AułoGrid Number of Grids: p
Aws Style--—--
Boxed P EquaiScales
P Dossed P Nonę
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Formatting Currently Setected X-
X-YAxes Traces J Labels j Deiadts j
Legend Label |
Symbol |
Une |
Color |
iii iii |
Weight |
łrace 2 Itace 3 |
nonę nonę |
dot dash |
blu gin |
lines lines |
1 H 1 |
tracę 4 |
nonę |
dadot |
mag |
lines |
1 |
tracę 5 |
nonę |
solid |
cya |
lines | |
tracę 6 |
nonę |
dot |
brn |
lines |
tracę 1 jnpne TI j solid y| j red * j j lines j 1 ^ j
Zakładka Traces w oknie Formatting Currently Selected X-Y Plot
I” HideArgumerrts P Hrde Legend
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