iitu«xa uccti in che Spatuth NadKr-
I ***** ****** *» a ciaim rfaat che procra wm jo n..... I
****** mołr ,Prr ■ »ł ular rcsuhs 10 be produced buc Ucked 1 plam. In sook daboracc dcugiu an actempc his bern ■be < flćrł oflund atampang in ccrtain para, but chis ń coane by compari-che piacn serł eyc. ^tulsc che oldcr mechods conunucd co be che one chat waf waełely uscd in Fhndcrs and Holland. Thcrc ts no during che tevcmeemh cemury, which taw che hcydajr fhat had »prung fiom smali beginnings in Oórdoba tocne dghi ^Jbeaę which was by cha* cime &r morę healchily escablished in ochcr
proces* of embossing wich wooden moulds in a prcss was a meckanical j——e tcchniqi*c- The mouldmg oF dampcd leacher was employcd as a ■* ith tocne aid from sionplc moulds oF wood or plaster, or corcs of wood, damp (Place j8) at a very carly period, wich i ca genesis in prehistorie ci mes.
che ai r allrd tnr hwi/Zr3 regułarly uscd fiom carly mediaeval times for stsch thingł ■heaadbo^ and boccles, armour. heroldie crcscs worn in battlc. smali con-
oF afl kirsds and ffiany ochcr usefiil articlcs oF which coundess ccamples suivive.
in che applicacion oF chi* proces* was che use oF 1axgc wooden moulds ■uy have bccn suggesccd by che wooden relief blocks uscd fbr printirsg patsems # htnd «a«rąpfd ptadawiTiirr) and aa press co provide che ncccssary lorce. I* is ihac befcce chis was donc, dccoracive panel* werc moulded in smali numbtts. odog che dauped leathcr «ntn moulds of wood nr plaster, hic by hic, wich -w< chtunb. The moulding cochniguc madę possiblc a much grcaccr depch of chan could be achicvcd wich metal place*, and che cucting of wooden moulds be i Bi i ■ d Bi dian engrąying in metal.
che basie
achieved by moulding
iftcn orn2jnemcd by
mcismg. oudining wich heaied tools, punching and ochcr cechniqucs. wich or pphed gold and colour. Insofiu a* soch fbrms of onumemauon may hav« bccn «n impan df«i» co hand-madc moulded hangings chey could be approxinsaccl>
w ho sk£U adhesed «o I*la«n. _ , _ . ^ - .
ra*«> a wun noc ao ho cafcen bwrally. The ob»eca ■ eefes o tf-obbsB boxes «c.) woe moulded &om wyuM^unnwi “■* Biai ni irt*T hudencd by che appbcauoo m fwat. ł^oc cpcrul ,nM «o«łay |br ccrtlin kmd* oTmcchanii ii lechrr.)
V I,:,,, |„ KUłkt. bowlo and błock jacŁt —we Tined'
liMchcr; du> would havc beeo acmrinircry had ehe chat mcmldeJ le-«h« Apped ^hoc wwe
M ■f 1-nrr gw Ifac ąąoę ofditwa^bwgj^