Thts tupged perfoimdi r*tCHi*ąo ar» ov«r-wtoolmino vote ot confiduHce tiam tłv? pio-tessionals, i^ihen iuad-?ewte<l l>y the Motor Cycle Nows ar. you can jungę łrom tnoso enthuslastić exU30tś:—
"lt s what lOOcc. can do1 Eapeciaily vvhon aotied to what is alroady n superb machinę (the GSOSS).'
"Tnete ls łor morę powoi Iow down tlwin from the 650. .'*
'The Norton Atfasiscertałnty very fast—effort-lesęłyso- Acceieratior-istromc-odous.tno . “And m congostud tr*tfic condttiooo. it in afna/ing (ust how gentool tho big Norton could be."
"Theio ts no neetł to qo Into tho impressnws ot thu hnndling steeiinr;, or tiralses— one word described lt—Norton.*'
These aro |u:-t a (wr oitrncts from Motor Cytlo News rood test
Enginu 745cc o.U.v. wtticnl twln (73i?irn horo i IVłmm • lroV») Aliny cylinder tn .in will* iniuc'il rccbrrtiojc: pmnilei inducPon rracis witn sarge diamełei into. »alve»: foifled slfgl lockeis flltuy pu*lt-roU» loro* dlameter tppp«lv iingie ehalti-oriwjn .canshsft. buUI-up Icrned atest craokshaft «vlih Jargc diameter central iron rtywhśót;płaln blp-end bcarlnga:2-piccc ccr.necting roda:nftoy pistona(cr. /.ti:t):or»e-p)ecfc castiron cyl*nfl«r btocJe erenkthoft rtrK-n grar l>pe uli pump: iMtboiatlgp by twin AftUt Monobtoco igmtlon b> inny noto. wui uotouubt adilencu and t Otarci.
Franio. Thn tamom Norton •Fnathcrbnn* «<im It* rnr.c-biid hnndllrg ond rond-hołd Ina.
Folk*, Rondhotdoia* w:‘Ji buiftrjn tlm:r-p»oot u>-.v piooror.aliotwr.-wflTOit-d3mpino:sirłfllerałe spdnps fioused wtlhSn boattiwted tuoutar iteel utanchioes-Blloy sliders with chromłd ateof sttooskms-Whoal*. Chromo piat-ed aiflei rimtfitted wit?i Avon high bytieresii łyiat—Slłft*: Front .1.24» 10: Miar :oo« IB
Muli* & Braku*. Uufloiliomet*i il>«-eabl wlio/buba froni buka riruni ca*l Into hub, onti-ploti' n-ai drom and Mirot kol boltwl up to hub: bali Journal bcarlngi Brako sicei-Fioot 91* iii'; Roar Llahtinn 12.-.olt: crcnUhflfł rrourtna alternator: Iwo 6 voll bettarłee mour.tod in Zoeet d<oóe
/* dla. hoodlamp yrlth'60'40>*/. double fatodnt head buto: eombtn&d rnoi ord stop ligłtr wilii flisami rortector.
Tank*. 33 gMicn peuol i«nk, complately mnbai mouiilód: single iwo If/ol łap 4.5 piet oll tank Colom Ftrtiah. Jot bluck piimarlly willi clióiif rod
pnlrol tank oml chromo plolad rnudgooid*. Oplional. 5ldr:-i- loikt, qmi* and łutpahłlon. Hindlłibm*,
Extra. Rov. counter.