Formed in IV?Hat ihe swectinek c:on»eivaioriuir Guitat Tno was unntedtairly recognurd by bo»h ihetr vi(iiułly flawless technK|ue and ensemble, reprrtowc
The Trio irf Hrlenut Oc Ki|ke. Johan Doric«eii reccivmg ticmcndous world-włde rcapontc
One ol ihc most imporuni chamber muuc e C >uliat Trio is among ibc fmcst gutlar enseiW
A disiinguishcd interpreter ol comemporao
10 ncw musie ak'oe Tl>e AnYsteidam Guiuz in lis transalpliona. ol among oihcrs. ihe Vltraldi'f Four Scatons li was by way ot I iS ycar hlłtory ha> oniy iurke tiefocc been limes IOJulian Hrram
11 isihrouKhihn rcvltaiofanold bot iranscrihUtg, ananging and omamcnbng Tno has gjsen new llfe lo a s-ariety otc lute musie 10 piaiMi worka by DcbuuY
M»*r tlun lighinmg-fau ptaymg w uh Trio‘s inicrpretaiicns arr brauiiful,
lu cffcting* ot ncw programmrs. «v tumbinatHios with whcr instrument are ihc ingrctliems ihat make Uw Tc*
In I9HIihe Triugaveits Undon •wi cjitcł ihai has i ciuli cd m tuurs ol itj Eui opon cnumries /
»Vi0 ^!Jhe,nove
Podobne podstrony:
4e6984c6e1a987666c2d386eabcce112 AMSTERDAM GUITAR TRIO Foemed In 1978 41 thc Nweclimk i.nntri saionuimg42 Samples Seven samples of nanocrystalline SiC and diamond powders were formed in pills (c.Ohio. Itr^iMlrntioii i* $2.00 per prr«on mul han<ekonomika 1 termin tzz Tni in IV r IM aoj > ) N*łtfy y»H liw^ pn^«k«)f tfv; 4.MJGAMMMlf IN IV*ŃOt H IClONU • KOMCUM MMI TO Ntur*m*u w Kajet I MIEJSCE W I KONKURSUE DEBAK ir-Yv M S In IV i1 X m Xi asd; M u.m Kfh§ pkT ppł Brr BK M ’shoes&pattens0 Bibliography Baart, J, et al., 1977 Opgravingen in Amsterdam Bagley, J J, 1960 Lifeshoes&pattens0 Bibliography Baart, J, et al., 1977 Opgravingen in Amsterdam Bagley, J J, 1960 Life3 3 In iV Saw»J J.tjKtu Duv*:t C«ft oi sic fas o i Kra6i In a>i C4 <v G*c«y ul WnlM 234CWAPTF.R T V 51 86230 present. 1y happening In Swe den) won Id read 1n t.hat. a serio u s plea, on tBeKanntmacnung. Der Strafsenat des Oberlandesgerichts in Posen hat am 5. Marz 1942Josef Mroskowiak,więcej podobnych podstron