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Wes Jones

Wet Jones. bom in 19S8 in Santa Monica. attended the US Military Academy at West Point, the Umyersrty ot Califorma at Berkeley (BA), and the Hjiyjid Graduate School ot (Vuqn (M. Arch ) A reopient ot the Romę Pnze m Archnoct ure, ho het senred as a visitinq Pr ofettor at Haryard. Rico. Tułano and Columbia Unńrersttiet.

He worked with Eisonman/Robortson, Architects m New York botore becommg Director ot Design at Holi & Hmshaw in San Francisco.

At partner m charge ot design at Holi Hmshaw Pfau Jones, he completed the Astronautt' Memoriał at Kennedy Space Center m Honda, and the South Campus Chiller Plant for UCIA

Fumihiko Maki

Bom in Tokyo m 1978. Fumihiko Maki receieed his 8 Arch degree from the Unńrersity of Tokyo in 1957. and M.Arch degrees from the Cranbrook Academy of Art (1953) and the Harvard Craduate School of Design (1954) He worked for Skidmore. Owmgs & Merrill in New York (1954-55) and Sort Jackson and Associates in Cambridge. MA (1955-58) before creating hit own firm. Maki and Associates, m Tokyo in 1965. Notable buiłdmgs: Fujitawa Mumcipal Gymnatium. Fujitawa, Kanagawa (1984). Spiral. Mmato-ku. Tokyo (1985); National Muteumof Modem Art, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto (1986), Tepia. Mineto-ku. Tokyo (1989); Nippon Convention Center Mekuhan Messo. Chiba. Chiba (1989). Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnatium, Shibuya. Tokyo (1990); and Center for the Am Yerba Buena Gardent. San Francisco. CA (1993). Current projects indude Nippon Convention Center Makuhari Messe Phate II. Chiba. Chiba (1998 completion)

Alessandro Mendini Bom m Milan in 1931. Alessandro Mendini received his doctorate m architecture from the Milan PoJytechmc Unwersity in 1959. Editorof the maga-zme Casabeffa from 1970 to 1976. he wat a member of the Archizoom and Superstudio groups. and editor of Modo from 1977 to 1980. where he de fended decorative arts and the value of kitsch. Editor of Domul from 1980 to 1985. he created the Domus Academy in 1983. Mendini collaborated with Studio Alchymia from 1979 to 1991. and is the artittic director of Alessi and Swatch Ahhough Alessandro Mendini has worked on numerous architectural projects such as La Casa de«e Fe/rcifi (1980-88). he is bett known as a figurę of the wortd of design.


Morphosit pnncipal Thom Mayne. bom in Connecticut in 1944. receiyed hit B. Arch m 1968 (USC). and his M . Arch degree at Harvard in 1978 He created Morphosit in 1979 with Michael Rotondi. who has smce left to create his own firm. RoTg He has taught at UCLA. Harvard. and Yale and SCI-Arc. of which he wat a founding Board Member Bated in Santa Monica. CA. some of the main buildings of Morphosit are the Lawrence Mouse (1981); Kate Mantilim Restaurant. Bever1y Hills (1986); Cedars Smai Comprehensńre Cancer Care Center, Beverly Hills (1987); Los Angeles Arts Park. Performing Arts Pavilion, Los Angeles, competition (1989); Crawford Residence. Monteoto(1987-93); Yuzen Vmtage Car Museum, West Hollywood, project (1993); as woli as the morę recent Blades Residence (Goleta. 1993-). and projects for schools m Califorma (La Jofla Country Day School. La Jolla, Pomona Unified School District. competition, 1993).

Rem Koolhaas

Rem Koolhaas was bom in The Hague m 1944 Botore ttudymg at the Architectural Astociation in London, he tried his hand as a joumalist for the Maagse Post and at a screenwnter.

He founded the Office for Metropolitan Architecture in London in 197S. and becamewellknownafterthe 1978 publication of hit book Dęiinout New York. Hit built work mcludes: a group of apartmentt at Nenut World. Fukuoka (1991); the VilladalTAva. Saint Cloud (198S-91). He wat namedhead archi-tcct of the Euralille project in lilie in 1988, and has worked on a design for the new Juttieu Unńrersity Library in Pant Hitrecent 1.400-page book S.M.L.JTL (Monacelli Press. 199S) promiset to maintam his reputanon as an mf luential wnter.

Richard Meier

Born in Ncwark. New Jersey in 1934, Richard Meier receieed hit architec-tural training at Comell Unryersity. and worked in the Office of Marcel Breuer (1960-63) before ettablithing his own practice in 1963. Pntzker Pnze, 1984; Royal Gold Medal. 1988. Notable buildings: The Atheneum. New Harmony. IN (1975-79); Museum for the Decorative Arts. Frankfurt. Germany (1979-84); High Museum of Art. Atlanta. GA (1980-83); Canal Plus Headquartert. Pans. France (1988-91); City Hall and Library. The Hague. The Netherlandt (1990-95); Barcelona Museum of Contemporary An. Barcelona. Spam(1988-95); andGetty Center, Los Angeles. CA (1984-96).

Enric Miralles Born in Barcelona in 1955. Enric Miralles received his degree from the Etcuela Ttcmca Superior de Arquitecturemthet city m 1978 He worked with Helio PiAón and Albert Viapfana (1974-84) before forming hit partnership with Carme Pinót in 1983 He has lectured at Columbia Universrty in New York. at Harvard, and at the Architectural Astociation m London. His work includes: the Igualada Cemetery Park on the outtkirtt of Barcelona (1985-93); theOlympic Archery Ranges. Barcelona (1989-91); the La Mma cmc center. Barcelona (1987-97); the Morella Boardmg School. Castelld (1986-94); and the Huesca Sportt Hall (1988-94).

Erie Owen Moss

Bom in Los Angeles. Califorma. in 1943. Erie Owen Most recenred his B A. de gree from UCLA in 1965. and his M Arch. m 1968 He also recened a M. Arch. degree at Harvard in 1973 He has been a Profettor of Design at the Southern California Institute of Architecture Since 1974 He ojjened his own firm m Culver City in 1976.

His built work mcludes: the Central Houting Office. Unńrersity of California at Innne. Irvme (1986-89); Lindblade Tower. Cuhrer City (1987-89); Paramount Laundry. Culver City (1987-89); Gary Group. CulyerCity (1988-90). The Bo*. Cuhrer City (1990-94); and the IRS Buitdmg. also in CulyerCity (1993-94)



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