Althcugh much cf Warsów wcs dest«-oyed ir. World War II. many historie butldings '•emain. such as the Barbican, built in 1548.
A strlke at The Gdans* słrpya-ds led to the birth o* the Soiidcrity (Worker's) Party.
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Coiorful traditicnal Polish costumcs cre worn or. formal occosions such as weddinos.
For the lest 7C0 ytors, a trumpeter sojnds a lament each evening from the top of the Mariacki Church in <rakow to mcurn the death of an archer by a Tcrtars arrow.
CAPITAL: Wa-scw AREA: 22C.728 sguare miles POPJLA7TON: 38.626,349 LANGUAGE: Polish
Polish Flag
After World War II. Poland was incorporated into the Soviet Bloc and was a communist nation. By 1990, the governmer.t collapsed and the Solidarity Party was democratically elected.
CURRENCY: Zloty MAIN EXPORTS: mocnirery, manufoettred goods. fcod. livestock