nMwłwtiberortrfact*ia—a)wcrerecordcrf beehoKlerafBrflBe** ■mMfcrdUnc In the p.ctuic *»mc ćYarnpk* of amber wtefaets tjp«ał of Brfl ikafcm mmę pnm*§i1
ps. The first archacological culturc which spread products madę Jeynod the Bałtic arca was the Globular Amphorae culturc (Cze-i łbT- 173). That phenomenon took płace in the first half of the 3Td Ig That ctiłture creatcd the ołdest in kństory broad-spatial style ramot amba products, which was mainly characterised by ao-callcd so-V-pertoraied buttons (Fig. 3).
Micamc morę popular m the period of the Bell Bcakers. i.c. in the se-(he Smillennium BC (Fig 4). Herc also we mcct charaeteristic sty-P products (espccially V-pctfor»tcd buttons). U is together with the Hpl amber reaches the Mediterranean zonę. which was provcd in rC. E Owdin (1998). That takes place in south-eastem France. Latcr amber products ara oooaected with the beguming of the Bronze Age
|Hpac amber limU (marked wilh stnrs. afler Markowi 2003). The mcm of ihe aoflh mm iUaeiicc (medium light) and Olomani-FOacsabony (dark) rtyłcs are marked