Zacznij przyciągać pieniądze — Joe Yitale Bibliografia
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Istnieje wiele świetnych książek (i kilka nagrań audio), które będą pomocne na Twojej ścieżce do wolności. W swojej bibliotece, miejscowej
księgarni lub na powinieneś znaleźć poniższe książki.
♦ Allen, James, As a Man Thniketh.
♦ Assaraf, John, The Answer, Atria, 2008.
♦ Atkinson, William Walter, Thought Vibration, or the Law ofAt-ti'acrion in the Thought World, Chicago: New Thought Publish-ing, 1906.
♦ Bali, Ron, et al, Freedom at Your Fingertips, Fredericksburg, VA: In Roads Publishing. 2006.
♦ Barrett, Rick and Yitale, Joe, Give to Uve, www.givetolK 2008.
♦ Beckwith, Michael Bernard, Spiritual Liberation.
♦ Behrend, Genevieve, and Vitale, Joe, IIow to Attain Your Desires by Letting Your Subconscious Mind Work for You, Vol. 1, Garden City, NY: Morgan-James Publishing, 2004.
♦ Behrend, Genevieve, and Vitale, Joe, Iłów to Attain Your Desires by Letting Your Subconscious Mind Work for You, Vol. 2, Garden City, NY: Morgan-James Publishing, 2005.
♦ Bender, Sheila Sidney, and Sise, Mary, The Energy of Belief: Psychology's Power Tools to Focus and Relsease Blocking Belief s, Santa Roda, CA: Energy Psychology Press, 2008.
♦ Bowen, Will, A Complaint Free World, New York: Doubleday, 2007.