Winter Bird Table
Issue 126 by Maria Biaz
Buy kits of the best Christmas designs from our sister magazine Cross Stitch Collection
Issue 72 by Sheila Hudson KIT CONTA1NS:
• 14 count aida OR 28 count evenweave • Slze 24 tapestry needlc • Pre-sorted stranded cotton • Thread organiser
• Colour chart and key CrossStitchcr price: £22.75 (£20.48 for subscrioers}
• 14 count aida OR 28 count evenweave • Słze 24 tapestry needle • Pre-sorted stranded cotton
• Thread organiser • Colour chart and key
■ CrossStitcher price: £26.00 < i- 75.40 for subscribet s>
: j 121333 WAYS TO ORDER
By phone: 0170 487 3301
By email: futurekits.aiwestcoast-embroidery By post: sond coupon below to Futurę Kits. Mayfiower House. 67 LKnof pool Road. Formby. Liverpoc>l L37 68U Postage
To UK: Frec To Europę: f 3.00 To rest of wortd:
£5.00 Please add the appropriate postoge amojnt to your payment. Allow 28 days tor d9livery.
Project name
VłCtori3n Street Scene (evenweave Q or aida □ ) Fa^ytale Castle <evenwieave □ or aicio □ ) Poinsettia (evenwe«ve □ or aida □)
Winter Bird Tobie <evenweavoDor aida□ )
9 1 American Express L i Macstro
Euplrydote Securit, codę' C-I □H/CH1
xnmxim o,.rm cn/m cm *
JANUARY 2011 :