A good stretch in the morning to get tho kinks out of your muscles is a swoll idea. Get into the habit of doing dccp brouthing evory morning when you got up.
The bcst timo to exerciee is before eating, or an hour nfter you have a meal.
Brisk exercisc fołlowed by a stimulating showeris the right way to begin the «lay.
ll is particuUrly irnportant for nny porami w ho plan* lo tako » cnuroe in whntcver Ihc motbod . to bcnr tn miitd cartnin fundatnamlni facia in ordrr to undcr-stand whnl ranił ta mny rounnnuhly ho mpoctnd
It U j(«iwraUy rnoanired that no Iwo poreonn are eloctly nitko, scttm-nticnlly spnukiiYj;, nor do anv two |trraoiw rBilet eraetly nitko A food ihnt a*rt«M with o on inny duuuro* with anotiter. Ona |iarer>n ęnn Morrisa for a (iv«n ienglh of timo w;th coar, another may ho CaliKued by the ul cmi cal alfort
Tbere are vnnoua reaaona for thia ilifTcrcncc In ruactiono: norom are rola •Jtrely supcrftriaJ, cuch oa one'a mood or uurroundinja, othrra urn funda-mmlal and docp-soatcd, mich aa Iwrcdity. bnaic phynical mrueture. axu. •tato of haallh, amł rrJHtad fnctora
tionaofpMintly. it mini ho Horno in miód that tbe probnbłc renult* front (hu courac arc neotseurtly roatrictml by nny on* or combinution of furtom mich tu thosc outhned abovc I wiah to maks it elear. alło. that tlitarounw la not drwicned. in whoło or io parł. to acrv'e aa a aubatitutB where mcdical thitrupy I* imlicatcd, W for oincnpls. in cum of (landular diaturbancea
Now you are ready for brcakfsst. You havc earncd it and how you will cnjoy it!
Whctber you choose to do your uxercises in the evcning or morning tlie benefits will be the same. Determine which time of day best Buits your convenicnce, and set that hour as your daily muscle-building period. If it is at all possiblc for you to undertake the routines in both the morning and again in the cvening, by all mcans do so.
It is beat to exercise before eating. Iiow-ever, if this is not possiblc, let at leaat an hour pass after the meal. This will allow aufficient time for digeation before the exer-cittes dra w the blood awny from the stornach and to the muscular tissues being affected by the exvrcises.
Aatde from the forcitotnc uusliftco tioiM, nny nortniil poraon mny »X|u<-i (o obtain rmułta in proportion to thr dilifcnrc and nrcciaicm with which tho principia* of thia emira* aro applisd
Exercine causes you to breathe morę heavily than is customary. Be surę that your room is properly venti!ated and woli-ajred.
Cumbersome clothes will only prove a handicap dur-ing these ncssions. I would recommend that you do these exercises while wearing only shorts.
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