

Edit stage (• (1) Blocks

C (2) Boundaries C (3) Mesh


DlOCK-- -

(♦ Iransform region ■

C Move and merge region C Move points C Change edge types C S^lit blocks C Cut and pillow C Delete blocks


Transrorm options \J

Input model extent

(* 12) Boundaries?


(* (3]MesŃ

Edit stage C (1) Blocks

P (3) Mesh


r Automatic boundary cond.?

TypeijNone Internal boundary tools (♦ Mark boundaries — C Set ąttach C Set interface C Set beam-interface C Set properties C Remove

Mark options No input

p Edit stage C (1} Blocks C (2) Boundaries


W Use automated zoning? Zoning options

Meshing tools

C Z&ne size (manuał)

C Apply density multiplier C Adjust ratios (♦ Show/hide blocks —

C Błock elements

Visibility options

Show all blocks


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