00392 °9c4879e21ccf146f13d3533b34bd5d

00392 °9c4879e21ccf146f13d3533b34bd5d



States on page 17 that PCI = (UTL - LTL) / 6a His sometimes called Cp/' where UTL and LTL are Upper and Lower Tolerance Limits.

The generaĹ‚ expression [Chan, Cheng, and Spiring (1988), Taguchi, Elsayed, and Hsiang (1989), Boyles (1991)] for the Cpm index when the process may be off-target and regret is quadratic with K = 1 in Equation [1] is



6-VIr where ER = a2 + (p-T)2, as in Equation [9], without assuming normality; Johnson (1992) stresses this squared-error-loss interpretation of Cpm- Boyles (1991) discusses several specific advantages of Cpm over both Cp and Cpk. Authors who have discussed confidence bounds for Cp, Cpk, and Cpm indices include Bissell (1990), Zhang, Stenback and Wardrop (1990), Boyles (1991), Kushler and Hurley (1992), Franklin and Wasserman (1992) and Guirguis and Rodriguez (1992).

Taguchi's early writings about Cpm (1979) used the symbol s' to denote the "standard deviation from the target," VeR , rather than the usual standard deviation (from the mean, p). Of course, >/ER does simplify to the usual s and Cpm = Cp in special cases where p = T, i.e. when the process is on-target-on-average. In these special cases, [24] does have the following highly intuitive interpretation: Cp is then the ratio of the tolerance rangÄ™ to the width of a three sigma control chart.

Process yields (fraction of production conforming to tolerances) "usually" increase as Cpm increases, at least when the target is "near" the tolerance mid-point. Furthermore, Boyles (1991) shows that large numerical values of Cpm can only occur when the process mean is near its target;

| p - T| cannot exceed (UTL-LTL)/(6 • Cpm).

Under the common assumption that p = T = (LTL+UTL)/2, a distribution-free lower limit can be placed on process yield as a function of Cpm=Cp. In these special cases, we have

Prob( LTL < x < UTL ) = Prob[|x - p|< (UTL - LTL) / 2]

= Prob(|x-p|<3 Cp a]

= l-Prob[|x-p|> 3 Cp-a]

