11686 jow02 08

11686 jow02 08

erolee 8^

Tho -tjocIoo that hołd up tho broaot part of tho ohost aro knonn ai tho Pootoralii imjsclos, moaning "platos of protectlon."

It ii lnportant that theso ausolts ahculd bo woli boilt so that thoy hołd tho choat up la all aorooonts of las-iration—a tona we uio to neon oheat upllft.

Stand ln tho pot i ti on of 5x«rclse 8, posltlon (a). ?r<m that stanoo bogiń to brontho La*

Elorata tho ohost as aueh ao you can.

This dono, foree tho arna aorots tho ohost ao shown la Starcia* 0# posltlon (b). 307 koop tho arms straight.

Foree thon oror ao snich ao you oaa and K££P BRŁATHWG IV.

The aoasat you nilów your ohost to do finto tho esercise btcones sboolutoly usolocs. Orły dcflato as a aoreaent ls conplotod.

YOU łfflST 3EBP THE CHE ST HELD HI OH. Only la suoh a posltlon oan thorcugh ccn-traotlon of tho pootoralls miso los bo getton.

As you prac Lico thls rurreaent, al terna to tho Crossing of tho arao.

That ls, flrst allow tho rlght arn to cross under tho loft. Hcxt noroaont allow ths Isft arn to cross undor tho right.


Don*t forgot to koop tho iru stmlęht whon Crossing.

Don*t fbrgot to broatho in as thoy cross.

Donft fbrgot to koop tho chsst hołd high and eapanded.

Don't forgot to foree tho aras fNjrthor crrer, aron whon you fOol that thoy havo boan crosoed to ths liait.

Six oroesod acreasr. ts will bo sufflolont to start off with.

QfJ/EL 2-fl


Centlnuc Saorcisos 1, Z, 3, 4. Add Kzcrolsoo 6# 6, 7, 8.


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