12735 shoes&pattens6

12735 shoes&pattens6


Shoes and Pałłens

major timber revetment or were associated with its construction (Periods IX, X, XI). A datę of c.1210 can be proposed for the building of the revetment itself and for the primary deposits (Periods IX, X); dendrochronology gives a rangę of 1189-1234 for one of the timbers, and this seems consistent with a coin which has been provisionally identified as an issue of John (1205-16). A coin of Henry III (1223-43), however, gives a slightly later datę to the deposits of Period XI, probably in the second ąuarter of the 13th century.

(iv) The finał group (16 registered shoes) probably dates to c. 1250-60. Three long-cross pennies give a terminus post quem of 1247-50, and this is confirmed by a large group of pottery and four ‘Dl ’ tokens - a type of which there were 94 examples in the 1270-9 group at Swan Lane.

During subseąuent work by building contractors, after the formal excavation had been completed and when only limited access was possible, several 14th-century revetments were observed and groups of finds which are apparently consistent chronologically were salvaged in situ or from dumps tipped on and off-site. Among these are a significant number of shoes and pattens, almost all of late 14th-century datę. The pattens are described in this volume (pp. 93-100), but the registered shoes have been excluded sińce they were recovered when writing was already far advanced.

Custom House, Wool Quay, Lower Thames Street, EC3, 1973 (CUS 73; Fig. 165.10)

Excavation in fifteen smali dispersed trenches exposed two successive 14th-century timber revetments and, behind them, the foundations of the late 14th-century Custom House (Tatton-Brown 1974; 1975). The shoes have been pub-lished previously Gones 1975) and, together with most of the other finds, came from reclamation dumps associated with the revetments. Only one group is described in the present volume - 4 registered shoes which probably datę to the second ąuarter of the 14th century. They appear to come from deposits (Groups C1/C2) which were contemporary with a revetment dated by dendrochronology to 1318 or later and which were associated with early 14th-century pottery.


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