Stage 4
Gdzie spędzileś/spędzilaś ostatnie wakacje?
Spójrz na poniższą reklamę hotelu i uzupełnij ją słowami z ramki.
gardens beach bedrooms
InfOjr AeYióon (1| tur 5-itar restaurani.
Cool oH with 3 i win in our (Nympic-uied (2)............
Relai on our beautiful sandy (3)............
Soak up the iun on your own prirate terrace or (4)............
Take a walk ihrough our wonderful landicaped (S)............
Enjoy a long. cold (6)............ in the Captams Bar.
At thf rnd of the day. ileep like a log in one o( our hugt, luKurtous (7)............
Our friendly, helpful (8)............ will make your stay
at the Royal Palms Hotel the hoiiday of a lifetimc!
Janiec i Robert Eastwood włośnie wrócili z wakacji spędzanych w Royal Palms Hotel. Niestety, nie są zadowoleni z hotelu. Posłuchaj nagrania i zaznacz problemy, które wymienili.
1 The bedrooms were vory smali
2 The beds were unconilortable
5 There was no variety of food h Tht beach was dirty
7 The sea was dangorous
8 The weather was bad
11 It rainod every day.
12 The hotel stall were not polite.