Prcparc yoursclf for performance of a totally new and chrilling varicry. For this sleek new Special Sedan takes to the road cijuipped for action likc no Hol den bcforc ir.
Tliree mighty engines, with incrcased horsepower, providc the spirit. Engines refined and refined again to dcliycr their power with Turbo-smoothness. Choosc From the 114-hp ‘IGI* (thrifty as cvcr), the husky 126-hp ‘186’ or the twin-carburcttor‘X2’ packing 145-hp to rcaliy biow the cobwcbs away.
Ready to match the power you necd arc Holdcn’s manuał gear shift or lkjuid-smooch Powerglide automacie trans-mission. And to make thosccagcr horses cvcn casicr to handle there’s a new positivc traction rcar axlc option, a great pcrformancc-improvcr in rough going. Power disc brakes and power stecring arc also available. Safety whccl rims arc standard as is a long list of such casy-care icaturcs as sclf-adjusting brakes, battery-saving alternator, anti-corrosion
front fender inner pancls, and hydraulic valvc lifters to climinatc tappet adjust-menr.
And how docs new Holden liandle and ridc? Just bcautitully! New medium Iow profile tyres, refined suspension, lowcr height, wider track make tliosc roads feel as smooth as the maps tlie/rc printed on. Holden soundssmoothcr, too, with a new cxtra-quict exhaust system.
But evcn beforc you drive it, new Holden givcs you plcnty to get ewcited abour. The new sleek, Iow look of tlić rear, for cxamplc, duc to wider rcar window, ncwly styled roofline and boot lid. The glcatning new grille with new circular parking/turning lamps located inboard from hcadlamps. Crisp new design of the tail-lights. And the host of other styling highlights; slim, full-length body mouldings acccming ehe elegantcurvcd sides, new door mouldings, new colourful badges. Ali bring hrilliant new appcal to the unmatchcd value of Australia’s Own Car!
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