25589 SAVE0326

25589 SAVE0326

Stage 6

Breakthrough 11

Which museum?

lak często chodzisz do muzeum? W jakich muzeach byłeś? Spójrz na plan Museum Island i dopasuj opisy (A-Fl do znajdujących się na nim miejsc.


Outdour sculptutes. by local artists. plus six now picces by South African sculptor Ali-xandcr Tembo. on show uniil Septcmbcf I2th

Scienco and Ditcowry Centrę


Mote (han 100 paJnlings Irom the carly I900s to the present day The colleciion indudes a numberoł Impresskinlst works


Sculpnirc . >


Plantsand anlmals in our world fiom eariiest times to the present day For children. there is a spectol internet ive display called

Wliere <lid all the





Mundreds ol Ideas and imentions in science, medietne and lec linolowy. The centrę is

Wcassós paintlngs

v>k H,slofy

i Mutcum

liimous for its

Irom his Blue

wnnderful hniwise'



codilbltion which

•fp" -.

indudes the latest

Museum of Modern Art

plcturcs Irom Mars

The story of this city Irom its beglnmngs as a listu ng village In Koman limes, tłght up to the present day. An cxcellent collection of photographs showing peo|)le’s eveiyday lives ovcr the last 120 years


.W ,

City Mutcum



Motor Museum

A great colleciion of cus-and thelr englnes from the Mrxlel T Ford to the vehicles ot the futurę, induding the world's fastest electrlc car

2 Przeczytaj poniższe opinie. Które muzea znajdujące się

na planie są najciekawsze dla poszczególnych osób?

1    ‘I like cars. and I want to bo a racing driver

when I m older'......

2    'I enjoy reading historica! novels I think II s fascinaling

to learn wliat peofłfes lives were like so many years ago'................

3    'Picasso is my favourite artist of all time. I think he

was a rcal genius.'............

4    'Is Ihere life on planet Mars? I d surę like to

know .............

249 Ertglish in 20 minutes a day

*0** Po^

(odkryć)    know> before

*"•*»■*** newand^





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