l cilylire Kraków Post ^fSeptembor 2012
Dana Dramowicz
1 can of chickpeas | |
£ |
2-3 tabtespoonł tahini |
2 lu |
big p»nch of salt |
O |
1 garlic c?ove, minced |
juice of 1 lemon |
z |
1 -2 tabtespooos liguid frcm chickpeas |
Photo: Mateusz Majewski
Ifs been a Icog time comlryg; but hummus has hnally reached Roland. In fact, ther^s a bil of a hummus craze going on at the moment, in case you havent noticed. Hummus-centric cafes have popped up across the country, arxl even Pdish Radio repcrts that sales of store-bought hummus skyrocketed by 40 per cent In Poland In the lirst sevcn months of 2012.
In Kraków, weve got our own hummus experts prcducing kilos of the stuff at Hummus Amamamusi (facebook.com/hummus amamamusO, not to mention the moulh-watering hummus bagełs over at 8age+mama in Kazimierz.
But the best thing about hummus, apart from Its incredibly addictive flavour of course, is just how easy it 1$ to make at home. The only challenge is finding a good tubof tahini, but even that can usually be found at most health and world food shops in Krakow.
Many recipes recommend soaklng dried chickpeas cwemśght, but then again many recipes also claim that pinching the skins off of your chickpeas will get a bettcr flavour (no thanks). Somehow I tend not to plan my hummus cravir>gs 2.4 hours in advance, so a combinatton of ravenous hunger and generał laziness has me using canned chickpeas every time. And ifsdelidous
sweet paprika powdef goodqualityoliveoil bunch of parstey, chopped
Open the can of chickpeas and dram, reservirg some of the liquid from the can. Using your trusty •immersion btender, btend togethet the chickpeas, a couplc of tablespocns of tahini, salt. garlic, and most cf the lemon juice. Add some of the chickpea llquid as you go to reach your deslred conslstency. Add morę tahini or salt if you think it needs it.
To serve, spread out the hummus on a large, fiat bawi using a tablespoon. Pour a good glug of olive oil around the edges and squeeze the remainder of the lemon juice on top. Sprfnkle on the sweet paprika and parsley.
Pita is the bread of choice for hummus, but unless you enjoy the type of dense cfcscs they stuff multi-coloured cabbage and mystery meat iwo at Krakow’s kebab stands, you might want to get aeatiye wrth this part There's no shame in digging into hummus with a tom baguette or even a fresh roli.
This is usually the stage where most of the hummus is already halfway down my gullet but occasionally i take a minutę to throw on a topping and realły tum the hummus into a meal. Ofcves are a popular choree and, if you have Ute patience, buy pltted dives and deseed tłwm yourself - it's really worth it (unlike the skins of the chickpeas.. probably). Get creative - fry up some mushrooms or ground beef. and spice it up with curm\ chilli pawder, cinnamort ciantro, and mint. Easy peasy.