34326 vibro 06
lit* Moti
Before you starł your course in VIBRO-POWE R. be surę to read these two pages very carelully. If you have looked at the Contents page, or glanced thru your manuał... you have probably noticed that you have an adivity routine to fotlow each day for the next 3 weeks... with a day of rest (preferably Sunday) after ouery 6 days. You should never rush matters at any limo. The morę sustained effort you pul into your daily routine... the morę satisfying will be the reward.

Be surę that you read, understand and fotlow eyery instruction that rs set forth. Every Vibro-Power exercise has a purpose... and should be done exactly as ex-plamed. If you rush helter-skelter into your daity routines, you simply won t get the fuli benefrt. Be thorough ... sincere... careful.
Every day's routines complete a pattern of actnrity. Every exerr.ise is like a ring in a long cham ... each with a purpose ... each to be done in the sequence as illustrated. To leave even one or two exercises out of your routine is like inserting a weak link or two into the charn that you are forging. This Vibro-Power course is scientifically designcd so that it takes a complete trip around your body ... exercising and developing every important muscle. If an exercise is difficult, don't avoid it. Make euery atlempt to do it correctly as illustrated.
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