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(et Smootn HirplM Ubnc to dwiHiw »nd m*rti o»’tliro potitlon. Tt.m to V5cm IM"), (dl Rep.n the dirtl.-ie.
It> Se-* th* dartlin*
I») Tape a curved dait.
Ibl Model «» fo* the etreight French dart •w! pin tne danino ltaving purpłist rtaMnal •bov* M*fk dartw* Cut ntotiefabrc
■> »ho*n.
Dart i>os tions are dictated by fasnion, fabnc and fit.
Fashion When cto$e-fitt>ng styles are in fashion. designers use straight, curved and variousfy shaped darts, promcrflmty piacad. to Cfeate th« lina Fabnc: Oa-ts Show UP better on plain coloured fabrics ard can desiroy tn« ftow of patterned fabrics by cutting through tbe motifs.
Fit: ’he tnanguiar step* of the dart makes it a useful dev>ce for eliniinating surplus fabnc. releasing t gradually to create a smooth surłace ower thc body’* contours
Oats transform tho two dnensioral fabnc iftto a th-eed^mensonal garmcnt