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In far awav India I have my most enthusiatic pupil, K. V. Iyer. Study his pkenomenal derclupmcnt, his powerful, massivc buildt He sends mc the most intcresting and inspiring Irttcr* of wbat be i» accomplisbinjj and tclls how be ba* surcceded »o wdl he i* noyt trachinu physicat cullure to othcr*. Mr. Iyer aay» he ha* ncvcr eaten meat, *o you sec wbat can be obtained in tbc way of rouscles by a balanced non-flesh dietary. Ili* chest mcasure* 46*-incbest Wbat‘s your»? Better huitlc, American fellowi and don't let our Indian brothen beat u» at phv»ical developroentl Enroll nowi
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