flrełl-Jlkalka thal oorresponds with the phase Riegsee (BiC2/BrD) (Hrala 1997: ■4-IS5, Fig 6 16: 8, Platę 21: 374.375 [vol. 2]).
\s I have mentioned above, another considerable coneentration of the brace-**t:nding with double spiral terminals, takes place in the area situated between ję muJdle Elbę and Oder downstream. Morcover, ii Iceeps going further to the „uh reachmg Schlcswig-Holstetn and the Danish Islands. In this zonę. sonę orphological similarity to our bracelet from Pysząca can be observed m the wary golden wampie from Nassenheide. disthet of Oranienbuig (Schultz. Platę •'S3:46) and in a pair (Kersten 1935: 53-54. Platę XXIV: 13.14). As weil as the fieets mentioned above, both German finds migbt be dated to the tum of penod i and III of ihe Bronze Age. Probably, the only golden example of such a bracelet ->’wn from Poland should be linked to that coneentration. Corning from Letnia.
Pyrzyce (Dorka 1936: 157, Platę 32) very close to the Oder river down--Tam, unfoitunately for our analyses. this bracelet madę out of a golden rod is aotphoiogically diffcrcnt from the object relating to Pysząca.
In 6c context of golden hoards found in Poland at the mm of the Tunrnho S 1’mficld period, it is noteworthy that these objects are Imown only from Greal ‘und (for instance Kaczory. Wilkowice. Brzezie) (Kostzzewski J. 1921: 116; Kcranowski 1966: 130-131, Fig. 5: 178, Fig. 71) and presumably, represent ihe > jrpuhian stylistic modę.
From the evidcnce presented above. it is reasonable to view the bronze brace-from Pysząca as a result of cultural contacts or maybe even nade. It is difficult fi «y now with w bom. becausc our example seems to be a Iocal imitaboo of the gilden Catpathian bracelets. which might have been madę also in the Elbe-Oder trea or for that maner in western Great Poland The chionological position of this matneiH seems to oscillate between the pbases HaAl and HaA2.
Assummg that the artefacts from Pysząca are really a closed ftnd which can-be definitively excluded considcring the circumstances ofdiscocery. it should N: emphasized that the oldest element seems to be a bronze bracelet. Uadoubt-a8y, the recent finds suggest that represent the sccond phase in periodisation of the Lausitz culture in western Great Poland and can be dated to HaBl. Thereby the cheaaoiogical position of the whole find should be established in phase HaB I.
Although the finds from Pysząca have been seen as grace goods. it is sery un-likelythat these artefacts might have been added to a burial sitc. The occurrenceof nro large bronzes in one grace were estremely uncommon Morcover. the fibula