mothers have plenty of time to devcur one novel after another. to chat with others of the samo way of thinking on the stairs or at the comers of the streets, to paradę the town, or go to tea-shops.
The bicycle is a splendid means for getting from the town atmos-phere out into the fresh country' air, quicklyT and independontly of trains, and for returning again when duty calls. And as a means of conveyance for tourists it is invaluable. In other respccts, howeter, its importance for the health is not very great. I rodc a high bicycle as early as 1883. and afterwards, for many years, a safety both in winter and summcr. But it dawned upon me by degrecs that as a daily means of getting about. the cyclc tricked me out of the good excrcise that a quick walk to and from business provides.
Kational games and sports on foot give a classical contour to the legs. A brisk walk—not to speak of really quick walking—in addition to those of the legs. brings many of the other muscles of the body into play, whereas cycling overdevelops some few of the leg muscles. the other parts of the body being fatigued and prejudiced by being kept either constantly on the strain or wholly inoperative. A man who gets no exercise but cycling cannot avoi<l sundry parts of his body being defective, and he may fali a victim to dKers illncsscs. It is thereforc still morę important for the cyclist than for the pedestrian to exercise the muscles round the body. and those of the chest, the back, and the shoulders, everv day. I do not belieee this can be procured in any easier or morę effective manner than by following out " My System."
Dear dwellers in the country ! You are world-renowncd for your skill in cultivating the soil, breeding cattle, and making butler.* You have also the reputation of being shrewd and sensible, and of not caring to spend money 011 useless things.
Then why will you swallow all the expensive medicine that the doctor often only recommends you because you would otherwise say that hc does not know his business ? Henr what somc of the shrewdest doctors in the world have said. Sir Moreli Mackenzie (the Empcror Frederick’s doctor) said : “ lf there were not a single drop of medicine in the world, the death-rate would be lowcr !" and Dr. Ittus (the Court Physician at Dresden) said : " Three-quartcrs of the human race are killed by medicine.” Ncarly all patent medicine is poison ; the morę one takes. the less it lielps in the place reąuired. while the whole of the rest of the body gets poisoned.
It is scandilous that there should be so much illness in the country, where eyery condition exists for leading a perfectly healthy life. The Principal reason is that you really hai-e not the least not ton of caring for your skin.
It is bad enough that you have such a horror of fresh air in your rooms, but this is counteracted in a great mcasure by the air being so tnucli better than in the town. the moment that you poke your nose
• Tbis rcmark applies of course moro particnłarly to the Danes, who, as is well known, are very skilfnl farmers. £>,500,000 worth of butler, for liiSUnce, i< exportc<! cvery ycar.