now becn convinced of the fact that this “ mania for exercise ” is a very good tliing, a most valuable asset for the British race (among other things, it won the great war !), but, on the other hand, it cannot be denied that too many thereby hurt their heaith and shorten their lives. The fault hes not in the " mania ” itself, and it is absolutely absurd to blarne the splendid sports and games as such. The causes of failure must be sought in the frcąuent lack of common sense during, or after, the performances.
For instance, the strong atiilete who so often has beaten his competitors and the elcments will sometimes grow a swollen head and think he can stand anything—even trans-gress the laws of hygiene and Naturo. He will go round boasting how much wet clothing he can endure, how little sleep he wants, etc., etc. Alas ! one day the bacilli will surprise the strong man in a temporary State of weakness, whcrcas the non-athlete who has been coddled from the cradle will always be over-cautious and careful and never run a risk. Furthcr, many active, and powerful athletes suddenly settle down to a sedentary life. AU the vital organs now miss the great stimulus of the daily vigorous exercise, with the result that they soon grow slack.
The former athlete indulges in the same strong and good living as before, but without proper exercise the eliminating organs are not ablc to do their duty in the long run, the system is by and by poisoned thoroughly, and chronic ailments dcvelop. Whereas the non-athlete (who never hved but only vegetatcd) pursues his uninteresting physical career undisturbed up to an old age, and is proudly exhibited by scribes who, from time to time, make the coluinns of our daily papers unsafe.
By far the most failures of both old and young athletes are due to unscientific use of the vital organs, especially the heart and lungs. Teachers and trainers may be perfect