46117 s&h 045

46117 s&h 045



business? Ily tliat I mean a diet tlial will giro tlił* best pOssible results. and keep ymi np to yonr standard of strengtb.”

“There are tbree tliings I pin my faith on when I ani workiug,1' be said, "aml \\ i111 rbe esceptiou of a liffle rueat oceasionally. I live nu tliem alinost exrlusirely wlien I ani filling an engagemeut. Tliey are ebeese, eggs. and bread.”

Tliat seenis almost uuhelievable. but it is, noyertbeless, a faet, as I found out later wlien I bad oecasion to be in tbe same company witli liim dnring a tom- of tliis country. He bad madę a study of bis own storn* acb. and bad found out wbat suited liim most.

No w. upon tliat testimony. T ani rpiite suro I wonld be considered out of my bead if T induced overy one wliom I met to go upon a diet of ebeese. eggs. and bread.

Tbe man who does eigbt or ten bard bonrs’ work every day bas tbe capacity to eat almost any kind of a meal, and not only enjoy


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